Hello, my name is Amy (She/Her)​
Through my own life experiences and traumas, I understand what it feels like to find healing through counselling. I have been able to explore my own issues and gain clarity and empathy, giving me the opportunity to help and support others.
I am an integrative counsellor, which means I look at the clients concerns and needs, and work in a way that suits them best, integrating techniques to ensure they receive the right support.
I have experience working with both young people (13 years +) and adults, covering a wide range of issues such as abuse, anxiety, attachment issues, bereavement, bullying, depression, loneliness, low self-confidence, low self-esteem, mental health issues, relationships, self-harm and suicidal thoughts. ​
I am an inclusive counsellor, which means I work with everyone, including clients that are neurodiverse, sexuality and gender diverse, and also from different racial backgrounds.
"Inclusion elevates all". - Elaine Hall​​​